Dear Healthcare Professional,
Welcome to the Cleveland Clinic Physician’s Guide to Obesity, an information-packed tool brought to you by the Cleveland Clinic’s Disease Management Project (DMP) in collaboration with BulletinHealthcare, the leading provider of medical news updates to healthcare professionals like yourself.
This guide covers a wide range of topics, from signs and symptoms and comorbidities to treatment options including lifestyle modification, medications, surgery, and more. And it was researched and written by leading experts in the field—Dr. Stacy Brethauer, Dr. Sangeeta Kashyap, and Dr. Philip Schauer.
We hope you find the Cleveland Clinic Physician’s Guide to Obesity to be helpful, informative, and of value in your efforts to diagnose, treat, and provide positive patient outcomes. We look forward to hearing your thoughts about this content. Please send me your comments at diseasemanagement@ccf.org.
William Carey, MD
Disease Management Project
Cleveland Clinic